Holds a forged mortgage on my home in the name of someone else

Business & Finance

I notified HomEq 7 months ago and informed them that the mortgage they had on my property was fraudulant and that a forgery had been committed.

I have given them proof that i own this home and have for 18.5 years. The mortgage they have is in someone elses name.

They sent me copies of documents in Nov. And I signed a forgery affidavit and returned it to them. Since then I hacve heard nothing untill llast week.

Someone came to my home to inspect the property! Then I recieve a letter in the mail (not in my name) that the house is in arrears and that action would be taken if not paid. I called and all I get is the run around! I have told my story so many times I would think everyone had heard it allready.

I contacted the sheriff's dept. Back when all this started and filed a police report. I then sent the detective "handling my case" a copy of the forgeries. All I get from him is that he's "Not actively investigating this case yet".

What am I suppose to do? Wait til the sheriff finally comes around? By then it will be to throw me out on the street, I'm afraid.

Company: HomEq
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Address: 1761 E. St. Andrew Place
Phone: 8007955125
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