Ocwen Federal Bank
Harrassment, unfair debt practices, not reporting payments received abused & mistreated ripoff business from hell

Business & Finance

Recently refinanced loan thru New Century was sold to Ocwen before our first payment was even due! First payment due on Oct. 1 but they started calling even at the beginning of Sept. At least 3 or 4 times per day. We didn't even know who OCWEN was!!!

First payment was mailed by bank check (certified) on 10/4 and by 10/15, they had us in collections! When I called to report that the check went thru on 10/10, they refused to even take the information because my husband's name is on the note and not mine. I told them I didn't want to GET any info, just give info about the payment and one "customer service rep" actually hung up on me. I called back and the next one was even worse. She refused to even take the name of the bank that the check was written on.

They actually sent someone to our house on 10/15 and left an urgent notice in our mailbox (without even coming to the door) that we needed to contact collections immediately. According to our note, payment is not late until the 10th and late payments not assessed until the 17th, so the collection notice came AFTER the check was cashed.

Will be contacting as many people as possibe to report their treatement, harrassment and business practices. Any advice as to who to contact would be greatly appreciated. And this is only our FIRST payment!!!

Northwood, Ohio

Company: Ocwen Federal Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Drive
Phone: 8007462936
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