Cross Country Bank
Ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

Business & Finance

I did apply & receive their credit card & after the first months bill I received, I cancelled the card due to the phenominal fees (which I paid). I don't know how long ago this was but I just got this information when I had my credit checked & they have reported me as owing $625.00. Since my creit limit was only $200.00, I dont see how I could possibly owe $625.00

tthousand oaks, California

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
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Cross Country Bank
Cross country bank is a total rip-off. Major scam

Cross Country Bank
Cross country bank beware of hidden fees, do not use this card they will rip you off too!

Cross country bank
Ripoff ripoff ripoff business from hell

Cross Country Bank
Screws another consumer! Don't let it happen to you!

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Double Cross ripoff Late charges

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Bank ripoff fees we did not know existed - Virginia

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Ripoff new york new york

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Cross Country Bank visa late charges and overlimit fee, ripoff business from hell consumer fraud Florida

Cross Country Bank
Ripoff lowered my credit limit and has been charging me over the limit fees since

Cross country bank
Cross Country Bank Charged before I charged