Woodforest National Bank / Robert E Marling Jr
This bank paid a forged $3600.00 check on my account and refuse to return my money

Business & Finance

This Bank cashed a $3600.00 check that was forged. They refused to give my money back. The signature is so far off the bank teller must have be in cahoots with whoever presented the check. I have appealed to customers service numerous times and have just got blown off or sent to the customer service black hole. I have filed an Affidavit of Forgery with the bank to no avail

I am a legally blind unemployed senior citizen on social security, medicade and food stamps. This money is all I have. I don't think I should have to suffer because or a mistake of some teller. I don't see why the bank can't make good on their employees mistake. This Bank Has more than 2 billion dollars in assets

I will be contacting all the major TV Networks and print media including surburban newspapers and offer them this human interest story. "Big Bank steels money from unemployed blind senior citizen on food stamps, social security and medicare. This should not bode well with the stockholders or Woodforest customers and employees.

Company: Woodforest National Bank / Robert E Marling Jr
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Woodlands
Address: 1330 Lake Robbins Drive
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