Emerge Credit, Midland
Sleezy Practace sleezy practace expert at wrecking credit

Business & Finance

This started in 1999 i had provideian credit card they told me they were going out of business and the account was closed 10 months later i get a emerge card which i never asked for and informed me it was the old pervidiean this is 2000 they hurt my credit then and in 2005 midland bought the old account which was at that time in dispute now midland posted to my credit report in 2005 making it a new account by the credit reports concerns last i knew they had to remove it after 7 years that would of been last year now we cant buy a house because of this and the old $2000 bill is now over $6000

Company: Emerge Credit, Midland
Country: USA
Site: emerge.com
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