1st Premier Bank
Buyer beware

Business & Finance

I just read the rebuttal from the premier employee. I can't account for your morallity, but as for myself, I would be ashamed to say I worked for a company, that preys on the naivete of people. Should we all read the fine print, ask the right questions, and understand all the fast slick sales talk? Sure. But some people do get caught off guard. Maybe they don't completely understand some of it, and just trust the bank to deal with them honestly.

These are the kind of people that usually deal honestly with others, and are not of a suspicious nature. They believe in the basic goodness of people. There's your problem right there. I cannot imagine myself working for a company that seeks out these type of people, because they are easy to bamboozle. That would take their innocent trust and use it against them.

I know there are those who say "If they can't afford the payment they never should have accepted the card". I say to these people, Have you ever written a bad check for food? Ever bought 10 gallons of deisel fuel to put in your oil tank so you could keep your family warm for a day or two? Ever had yourself or a family member up all night with an abcessed tooth without the 250.00 to have it extracted? Ever had to put a beloved pet to sleep because you couldn't afford the 500.00 procedure that would save its life?

Oh I can just hear you now saying that its all poor financial planning, or that we shouldn't have pets if we can't afford to take care of them. What utopian planet did you slither off of? How about a guy who drives up to 250 miles a day to do his job? Last year that would have cost him about 15.00 a day. This year it costs him 35.00 a day. His costs went up more than double, yet his income did not. What a deadbeat! He deserves to be taken advantage of! Especially if he is desparate enough to agree to pay an exhorbitant amount of money just to get a card that he can use in emergency situations, like needing gas to get home the day before payday, or buying his daughter a prom dress at the goodwill. Yes lets all circle around and piss on this poor b*ard. What the hell he's probably used to it by now.

Well be aware that this guy has a wife. She is disabled, with nothing to do all day but research, and delve into every little law, pertaining to these practices. She has decided that her purpose in life is to harrass, vilify, discredit, and punish all who are involved in these sneaky little schemes.

Yes you people are sneaks. You slide and slither in and around the laws, and morals that most people follow. Its like shaking a persons right hand and smiling as you punch him in the face with your left hand for no reason other than it suited you. Your defense? Its not MY fault. He should have been watching my other hand instead of looking at my smiling face.

Shame on you. Shame on your parents for raising someone like you. (perhaps if your mother "worked" at raising her children instead of just looking at them as a "blessing" you would have ended up with decent morals, and not looked for a way to screw people out of their money and get away with it) But thats in response to that whole nancy thing.

In closing I tell you that you will know my name as well as your own by the time I am through. I will now head off to the court house, the atty generals office, and the post office with my stack of letters. I will tell any one who stands still long enough exactly what I think of yo and the company you work for. My prayer for you is that you find good honest work somewhere else, and that you do community service to make up for you past crimes against humanity.

Lyndeborough, New Hampshire

Company: 1st Premier Bank
Country: USA
State: North Dakota
City: Sioux Falls
Site: 1stpremier.com
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