United Family Circulations
Sales pimps


I find this post though disturbing, fairly entertaining! Well really its just the people who stick up for this "company" that make me smile! I mean really people, are you joking? No really?

I read these reports from people that say they have worked for these companys and had the time of there life!? Guys, if being a magazine salesman was the best time of your life, i hate to imagine what kind of life you were living before!

I suppose if you enjoy having abuse hurled at you you, both verbal and some times just straight violence, if you like being manipulated and lied to, having the money you worked 10 hours a day, six days a week and driving cross-country on sundays to earn with held from you, then you will have had fun!

As for me, i also worked for one of these groups who i imagine is fairly like working in a sweat shop, with magazines! Bad sales people get in trouble in any company... Fair enough, dont be a salesman! I however was not a bad sales person, in fact i was really quite good... But still wasnt good enough for our pimp boss who i might add used such unbelievable things as to offer to buy hookers for high sales days! Hmmm... Seem like good people? They quite simply are not! I watched our boss rant and rave not only at the staff but the public also, he even tossed a bank tellers name sign in her face because the atm took his card and she couldnt get it out! Yes he was a beautiful human being... I think not!

So to all of you who protect these companies and their over paid white trash bosses with money who live in hotels rather than trailer parks! Just give it up! Your not fooling anyone with your defence, or should i say your "sales talk"... You will certainly never fool me, having seen first hand in detail what really goes on, i know and can assure the general public that you are all nothing more than extremely gifted manipulative pieces of sh*t!!!

Company: United Family Circulations
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
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