National City Bank
Makes you get your own credit report!

Business & Finance

I had applied for a loan with the local National City Bank Branch and the manager said they would have a decision in "four or five days." When that time passed I stopped in the branch and met again with the manager. She was at her desk and tried to find something on her computer. She said that she couldn't pull up the credit report but I could go on my own computer at home and get a credit report from FreeCredit This seemed odd but at home I did go to that site but found that my "free" credit report would be contingent upon my subscribing to a monthly monitoring or reproting service and I was unwilling to do that.

In a couple days I again went to the branch office but the manager wasn't there. I spoke with another woman an she too couldn't pull up info and suggested that I do so at home at FreeCredit I told her that had been suggested before but I didn't want to subscribe to anything. She then told me: "Oh. You were supposed to bring that in." (?)

I said, "Wait a minute. How much do you people spend on your computers? You mean to tell me that you - a bank - cannot get my credit report in order to process a loan application?" I got a blank stare. I then asked her for the address of the corporate headquarters but she didn't know what it was! She didn't even know which city it was in. She made a phone call to someone and spoke to "Bob" (or Larry or Tom) and asked if he knew the address for the corporate headquarters. He didn't know it either.

I left the branch office and got on my home computer to go to National City's web site. I pulled it up but it doesn't give an address either! Through some diligence I did find their address (in Cleveland, OH) and the name of the company CEO. I wrote a letter explaining and complaining about the situation but never received a reply. I subsequently closed all my accounts and transferred to a different bank.

I also subsequently heard a financial advice program and the "host" ripped FreeCredit Report a new one calling it one of the biggest fraudsters in the country and dared them to sue him. He said that he knew they wouldn't because to do so, they would have to reveal all the judgements against them brought in the courts by defrauded customers and that was publicity they didn't want aired.
Beware National City Bank.

Company: National City Bank
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Cheswick
Address: Freeport Rd
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