Report the illegal corruption paypal is doing to these places nebraska

Business & Finance

I opened a Paypal account in my name, with my bank account 1 1/2 yrs ago. A person I shared a place with already had their own Paypal account in their name
and bank account. No where does it state one account per address, nor that roommates can't have their own accounts etc. Both accounts have existed for 1 1/2 yrs. Not until I went to transfer the $2000 in my Paypal account, which Paypal canceled 2 days after I requested the transfer.

Then demands a bunch of stuff to verify my account, which already shows I verified my bank account. The excuse they state was SOME information appears on 2 accounts. Yes, the addresses were the same at the time I opened my account, (no longer the case, I moved 3-1-02) and 1 /12 yrs later when I want my money you restrict my account keeping my money, which the people have already received their products. Paypal was also made aware if my money wasn't released, I would loose the $5,000 already paid for my wedding 11-02-02 because they were holding my final payment ILLEGALLY, and the wedding
would be canceled. Well I lost the $5,000 and there's not going to be a wedding.

There has been no crime, no fraud, no charge backs, they were sent the info requested from both people to both accounts. Now I receive an email, they want MORE INFO, and WILL NOT release my money until the other account is reviewed and cleared, which has NOTHING to do with me or my account. I sent a reply to PAYPAL letting them know I've filed a complaint, and contacted the following people:
Federal trades Commission https://rn. Ftc. Gov/dod/wsolcq$. Startup? Z_ORG_CODE=PU01 Channel 7, Channel 2,
Fox News-O'Reilly Factor, Both Senators for Calif, and Nebraska asking them to investigate the corruption, fraud and theft being done by this company. If you've been
ripped off by this corrupted company, contact the places above immediately. They've destroyed enough people's lives already. Post this information any where and every where possible to prevent others from ending up bankrupt, loosing every thing they own, dreams shattered etc. They need to be STOPPED!!!

Rosemead, California

Company: Paypal
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
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