HSBC Credit Card
HSBC raises intrest charge after one payment & charge illegal nlate fees Gadsden Alabama

Business & Finance

HSBC started my account with 19.9% intrest which is ridiculous (trying to build credit up) I was a trusting soul did not even look at intrest anount for about 4 months thrn noticed thry had uprd it for no apparent reason to 29.9 I went back and looked they changed it after the 1st payment, tried to deal with customer support rude, rude rude ask for supervisor just got ruder. Then they charged my account late fees if it was not paid y at least the day before due, I thought it was until midnight of the due date. I paid online and it was dated for the day due but the said they did not receive it that day so it was my fault.

Company: HSBC Credit Card
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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HSBC/Account Central
Raised intrest rates for no reason

Household Auto Finance, HSBC
Unfair buisness practices, overcharge intrest rates Ripoff

Advertised great price on camera, but refused to send order when I wouldn't order anything else Ripoff

Late fees!

Account Central Online, hsbc
Account Central Online, hsbc lowered my credit without letting me know first

Discover Card
Ripoff closed account raised intrest rate bill late charges and overlimit charges

Hsbc - Retail Services
Hsbc retail services - hsbc charges late fees when you are not late. They tell me i owe over $400.00 in late charges, ripoff

HSBC Kawasaki Good Times Credit
Reported that i was 30 days late on late fees, not principle& interest, Fees were in dispute - I was NOT Late on payment more than 30 days!

Kidz In The Biz
The Annapolis Talent Agency, Kids In The Biz, Motion Pictures: Excellent experience Ripoff

HSBC Yamaha Retail Services
Yamaha Finance Company is COMPLETELY ANTI-CUSTOMER!