Midland Mortgage
Jennifer, Linda In D.A. C Department Deceptive, Liars, Don't Return calls, don't read their faxes, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Oklahoma

Business & Finance

These people are deceptive — You inform them that you lost your job long before you even fall behind on one payment & try to get any assitance information, get you will be missed payments added to the end of your loan —They tell you you must be late on a payment minimum 45 days, but they can get all your info and submit it for assistance before this happens and mail this info to you.
2 weeks later you call to get an update, they tell you your account has a rep in D.A. C that they will contact you — but you still leave this person a voice mail (Jennifer) letting them know that you're eager to provide them with all proof and information they need. She never listened to her voice mail to get the number to contact me during the day, she always called while at work.
You fax her a copy of your first pay stubb with the hire date, rate of pay, a letter from your HR dept saying if they need any additional information to contact them with phone numbers, fax numbers, email address. You also send all proof of income.
This dumb ass, after weeks of trying to get in contact with her and finally speaking with her supervisor finally calls you back. But now it's too late for you to save your home and get any assitance she closes your file 3 months later! These people are not interested in helping you out, they're are a bunch of lazy, incompeted MF'S. That can't even pronounce your name right. It's basic English.
If there's anyone out there that's dealing with this BS from them and have any suggestions on how to beat them at their games please, please email me.
The last thing I want if for 5 years to go down the drain because of these blood sucking leaches!

Company: Midland Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: PO BOX 268888
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