500 Fast Cash
500FC is a rip off, demanding more then they lend to be paid back www.500fastcash.com internet and nationwide

Business & Finance

I applied for a $200 "fast cash" loan from this company, and after applying, sent them a couple of messages AND emails to cancel my request.instead they blatantly ignored my request to cancel the loan. The following day the money was deposited into my acct. Afterwards, I contacted them demanding to know why they had ignored my request to cancel. But of course their response was they never recieved my messages to cancel. Now after dealing with them and making as little payments as possible, i successfully ended up with their collection department... So the collections call me at 443 pm, and left me a voicemail saying I needed to call them back BEFORE 5 that same day. Luckily i was still at work and got the message.
After contacting them and arguing with them again, they are unwilling to work with me on the payments that I can afford, only what they want.
This company will rip you off, and when they do take out money from your acct, it isn't applied to your loan, it's applied to the "re-financing" fee they charge. After all of their financing charges being applied to my acct, they are now demanding over $500 to be paid back for a $200 loan. To hell with this company.

Company: 500 Fast Cash
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8003180166
Site: www.500fastcash.com
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United Cash Loans
Fast Cash stold money from my checking acct

Freedom Lending Source
Was told I'd recieve money overnight in my acct, but it turned out it can take up to 15 days and is a savings acct not a loan. Have been unable to find a way to cancel.internet

Keep taking unauthorized payments out of my acct

Winthrop money management
I applied for a loan. I was told i was approve, i was told i had to make a pre payment on the loan for 620.00 my money was taken and i never recieved the loan Internet

500 Fast Cash
Never Got the loan and it cost me money to prove it. Rude and incompetent staff Ripoff Internet

Ripoff, big scam to people in need

J worthington
Rachel adams I recently applied for a loan online. I was contacted by a Rachel Adams saying I was approved for a $5000 dollar loan but because of my credit i had to make my first three payments of $163.69. I sent

Unlimited local savings
This company is linked with a payday loan which i applied for online, but never applied for anything with this company. They debited 49.99 fm my ck acct leav my acct n the red, my bank also chged my ac

Cash yes
This is a big scam. Loan sharks

US Fast Cash
Is a rip off and are very harrassing