Capital First
Vance: Capital First Got Me Also! Miami

Business & Finance

Vance... I too have had charges through Capital First.
I have tried to contact the company. Have been treated very rudely and am still waitibg for my refund. I never recieved the information that was promised to me. I keep being told to wait 10-14 days and the refund will appear in my account. This has been going on for several months. I plan to try the FBI in Texas on Monday if they are located in Texas... If you client has had this happen to them within the last sixty days, I believe, by law, the bank can reverse the charges. If it is after 60 days, then nothing can be done. I made the mistake of trying to deal with the company first and then going to the bank... Surely we can do something to bring these people down and to justice!

Kansas City

Kansas City, Missouri

Company: Capital First
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami, Florida
Address: Miami, FL
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