Northland Group
Non-stop harassment from Northland Group

Business & Finance

These incompetent wankers have been harassing me and my family (they're calling my parents house, where I'm staying temporarily) for the past two weeks. After hanging up on them multiple times without knowing who they were or why they were calling, I finally stayed on the line long enough to find out the purpose of their call. The guy called, asked for me, and I hung up after he identified himself as being from the Northland Group. As I'd never heard of such a company, I figured he was trying to sell me something. He called back immediately and declared that hanging up on him is pointless because he'll just keep calling back. He then went on to say that he was calling in regards to my delinquent Capital One credit card. I explained that I don't have a credit card now and have never had one in the past and that I don't know what he's talking about. He said that either someone could have committed identity theft against me, but that because I keep hanging up on him, it leads him to believe that I do know what he's talking about and simply trying to avoid the issue. I said "So, you're going to call me at home and insist that I have an overdue account with these people, then accuse me of lying about it? That's just fantastic. Do you treat everyone you talk to like this"? He replied with "Yes, we do, because you aren't customers. You're irresponsible, low-life debtors who think they can get away with not paying your bills". I explained that I would not be putting up with his abuse anymore and he threatened to mark me down as 'refusal to pay'. I simply said "Do what you have to do, and stop calling me", then hung up.

Later the same night (9:450 PM!), a woman called from NG and asked for me; I told her she had the wrong number. She said "Well, that's goofy. My notes show that we talked to her at this number earlier today". I told her that her notes must be incorrect, because she had the wrong number. She said "Give it up, I know you're lying. Let me talk to Rachel NOW". I hung up.

They call every single day, usually more than three times, usually shouting, swearing, and making all kinds of threats. I don't know how they got my information or why they've started calling now OR why the bloody hell they think I have a credit card when I've never even APPLIED for one! I've been living in the UK for two years! I'm only here temporarily to sort out the last of my immigration stuff.

I've filed complaints with the FTC as well as the BBB, but I know that won't stop them from calling. Is there any way to get my parents' number taken off their list?

Company: Northland Group
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Edina
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