Advanta Bank
Advanta Bank moneyhungry unsympathetic Spring House

Business & Finance

I had been with Advanta while still married to my ex. I had a small business CC (the company never took off though and I cancelled my CC a few years back) Always made my payments on time with NO problem.
My son committed suicide in 2005 and needless to say I haven't been the same since. (couldn't work for 6 month and had to take a l.O. A w/o pay) That was when I first contacted advanta. I explained the circumstances as to why I couldn't make the payments and asked for a 3 month extension of my account which would allow me to forfeit payments for 3 month. I was told by there associate at the call center, there is no such thing and I had better made my payments or the meanwhile they raised my interest rate so high that it is and would be impossible to pay-off in this lifetime. Well, needless to say I couldn't make the payments and when I returned to work I just couldn't function and was told by my employer (who was already going thru reorganization, downsizing etc) that it would be best for me to resign my position which I did. I was able to collect some unemployment which covered my basics. Found another job in Feb 06 and was laid off in April 06.. To make a long story short, I have been without any income since June and my new husband refuses to help me with any bills I had from way back when, though he did agree to pay 10cents on the dollar which came out to be 492 something. He is not responsible for this debt but tried to help me out by doing that. They cashed his check and are now still threatening me every day and still accumulating interest on top of interest even though I've repeatedely explained my situation to them. They have no sympathy. This has already taken a toll on my health. I am looking for work every day bt due to my age (I am a senior) and my health, I have not been able to find anything. It's not for lack of trying. I'm at wits end and hope anybody who decides to deal with this bank reads the consumer complaintss first. Wish I had...

Company: Advanta Bank
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: Welsh And McKean Roads, PO Box 844
Phone: 8007057255
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