Afni, Inc
Collection Scam for Old Verizon Phone Numbers Ripoff

Business & Finance

I received a collections notice dated 7/27/07 for my old phone number (703) 318-7351 which I had disconnected several years ago when I converted my internet access to DSL with Verizon. Additionally, I had not moved from the address and still reside at the same place

When I spoke to Brenda, Afni, Inc. She stated that Virginia is a "single billing" state and as such I needed to pay the bill. I explained in detail that the collection did not make any sense and that she needed to verify the facts prior to continuing to send me collection notices. She asked for me to verify additional information on the billing to which I responded that she had adequate information on her Collection Notice and I said "good-bye" and disconnected my call.

Upon, speaking with Verizon (800) 688-2880 they confirmed that the account for my past phone number (703) 318-7351 was in fact closed with no balance due.

Company: Afni, Inc
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: P.O. Box 3427
Phone: 8663079197
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Afni, Inc
Afni, Afni not sending any detail billing on collection notice, what is our rights Ripoff

Afni Collections Inc
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Ripoff and Fraudulent Billing $1474.72

Afni, Inc
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Afni Don't fall for this ripoff

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Afni, Inc
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Please file FTC complaints against Afni Collections!

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Afni, Inc
Agents reporting-incorrect information on notices and to me. Afni collection agency doesn't even have their own information correct, verizon advertising, verizon phone book, verizon ads, verizon collections ripoff