Designer Checks
Ripoff Helps Identity Theives

Business & Finance

This is my e-mail to them:

I just spoke with Jennifer in your customer service department. She informed me that it is your policy and you have an agreement with UPS to leave checks on the doorstep.

This is the most outrageous breach of ethical responsibility I have ever heard of. With the epidemic of identity theft in this country this behavior on your part should be criminal. Fortunately my manager picked up my checks in the hallway, but I will never order from you again and I am reporting you to the, my Senators and the FTC. First, the e-mail l received from you said the checks would be delivered in 2 to 3 weeks, AND the order form said they would be delivered by US mail. I had my mail held at the Post Office just in case the checks came early. You chose to send them by UPS. The driver tried to deliver them on July 26 but got my answering machine
Telling him I was on vacation, and giving him my cell number. He left a signature slip a neighbor slipped into my mailbox. The next the UPS driver was let into the building to deliver another package and simply deposed 4 boxes of checks in the hallway of my Apt. Building. They had arrive at least a week early and would have sat there for another 5 days if my manager had not seen them and taken them into his Apt. This is criminal. I don't care about your company or the money I spent with you, I will always order from the bank from now on. I really think there should be a law against what you did. Someone from your company should spend time in jail. I have been the victim of Identity theft before and you are helping the thieves. I will be urging everyone I can think of, City, State, County, and Federal Officials to pass laws agonist such behavior. I have been a customer of your for over 10 years. Goodbye forever.

Company: Designer Checks
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Colorado Springs
Address: 8245 N. Union Blvd
Phone: 8008597086
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Checks Unlimited
Checks Unlimited takes too long to deliver checks. - Checks in the Mail

Designer Checks Unlimited
Ripoff Lack of Security on Personal Info - Dishonest Practices

Hermos Storage
Ripoff, stole all perosnal property then used personal information used for gain identity theft

Checks Unlimited
Checks - personal - Checks - bank

Designer Checks
Ripoff, trying to charge me double my orignal purchase price because they can't sell your personal information more than once, sent me unusable product so I would pay my "balance"

Checks Unlimited
Short 100 checks - duplicate checks

Checks Unlimited
Checks Unlimited - DUPLICATE CHECKS
Support. deceptive business practices, non received rebates through mail, cancellation of rebate due to expired pay out date

Checks Unlimited
Horrible, horrible horrible! - Checks - bank

Carousel Checks
Transposed Customization on previously printed checks and un-aligned to the point of unreadable