United Debt Solutions, Inc
Cancellation difficulties and improper withdrawals - run around

Business & Finance

I signed up with United Debt Solutions to work on getting my debts cleaned up so that I can finally get my finances on track. Little did I know that instead of getting by finances better, they are getting worse.

After approximately 1 year I decided to file bankruptcy.in the documents that United Debt Solutions sends to their clients, information is listed on how to cancel an account. "Client understands that any request to withdraw from the program must be in writing and received by United Debt Solutions at least five business days prior to any scheduled electronic debit in order to stop such debit." I faxed a letter to their accounting department to cancel my account on February 16 (12 days prior to electronic debit date), but that did not work.

I called the company and they informed me that they would not accept a letter faxed with my signature to them. They proceeded to state that I had to fill out a form of theirs, have it notarized, and return it to them. This form was to be mailed but I never received it.

Upon my next contact, I was told that they had sent me the form 2 times and would send it a third time. The third one I received, filled it out as they had asked, indicating that I was filing bankruptcy and that is why I wanted my account cancelled. Nothing happened.
Again, I contacted them, again they sent me a form. This time I sent it Return Receipt Requested ($4.64) in April which the receipt was received by them 5 days after mailing, on April 23. At this time my account was canceled, but not after having taken a lot of money out of my account as well as causing my account to go Non-sufficient Fund charges at my bank.
I thought it was over... WRONG!!!

On June 28, they drew money out of my account, which, again, caused my bank account to overdraw.
I contacted United Debt Solutions and they denied it being done. They stated that I had to send my bank statement to their accounting department who would then review the problem. I faxed the information my bank suggested I send. Many calls have been placed to United Debt Solutions and all I get is the run around. "We are working on it." I was also told that they found that a computer upgrade ended up pulling up a bunch of accounts that were closed and deductions were performed. They also told me that they were working on it and that the non-sufficient funds that were deducted due to their withdrawal error would be fixed. This I very much doubted.

Over the weekds I continue to call, leave a name and number, and only have had a couple of calls returned. Unfortunately, they have had to leave messages and are not available when I return their calls.

Today, I get home, 07/31, and I find that they have withdrawn 2 amounts from my account instead of the 1 withdrawal. No, they have not refunded me the one from June and now I do not have enough money in my account to pay my car insurance that is due on August 1. So, again, I will have non-sufficient fund charges due to this company and their mess ups.
All of this has cost me well over $400 which, as a single mom, I can NOT afford.

Company: United Debt Solutions, Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orange Park
Address: 1567 Kingsley Avenue
Phone: 9042763100
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