GE Money Bank, Care Credit
Collecting a on non-existing account! Ripoff

Business & Finance

As I prepared for dental work to be done at the Lafayette, IN ALLCARE location, they completed a "financial worksheet application", telling me it was necessary in order to cover any charges my insurance would not cover. I insisted there would probably NOT be any uncovered charges as I have (double) coverage with BOTH my current employer (Wabash National), AND Tricare-Retiree (US military). They assured me the application was "just-in-case". However, several weeks later, BEFORE any work had been completed on my teeth, GE Money Bank debitted my bank account for $183.00. When my bank refused to honor the debit, they contacted me and at that time I explained the situation to the interim, I decided, NOT to do business with ALLCARE because this situation left a "bad taste in my mouth." GE Money Bank has, however, continued to attempt to debit my account and have contacted me more aggressively (several times daily) each time their debit has been returned. I've explained the situation to them EACH time, to no avail. On July 17, they attempted to debit my account for an amount different than previous ones. My bank refused to honor that debit also. Today, July 26, the "clerk" that contacted me told me I could not refuse payment to them now because I had "confirmed the accounts' validity by making a payment on it." Apparantly, they are crediting one of the refused payments to my account, in order to make this claim! To make matters worse, they have actually reported this as a DELINQUENT account to the credit bureaus!

Company: GE Money Bank, Care Credit
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Dayton
Address: P.O. Box 8276
Phone: 8002927508
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Consumer Report

Not having enough money in my bank account to cover a debit by PayPal, they continued to debit my account even though I requested they stop for a few days until my account had enough money to cover the Unreasonable repeated debiting of my bank account

Compass Bank
Compass Bank is a ripoff with their NSF charges

GE Money Bank, Care Credit
Lied to us, Unfairly overcharging its customers

PayPal Skype
PayPal Skype Fraudulent Credit Card Charges

Dcl Env, Inc
Made electronic debit from my checking account without authorization

MWI*Homeworks Plus
Two unauthorized charges to bank account. Rip-off!

PayPal Skype
Unauthorized billing!

Skype Communication
2 Charges totaling almost $130.00

Bank of America
Overdraft scam, lies