False pricing and credit card information taken after false method of payment

Business & Finance

Googad is clearly stating on there site as a work from home online job carrier that they only charge $3.97 regular entry fee. But after my credit card number is established and sent through they all the sudden say it's $49 being charged from credit card 10 days after process. They say on there website & on the e-mail that cancellation of subscription is available but I still have not been e-mailed back on the problem and nor do they answer there phone calls. I believe if my credit card is charged the amount, I will take legal actions by going directly to law enforcements on making sure this company does not create any more scam because as I was reading on this site, there is already another person on here already that had the same exact problem I had. Thanks.


Company: Googad
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 5836 S. Pecos Road, Suite D101
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