Lobel Financial
Company claimed payments did not arrive, western union, as money orders, but cashed in same city

Business & Finance

Company calls 10 times a day if payment is one day late, whether it be because of mail or sent out a day late. Money orders sent, cashed in Anaheim, unable to prove signature, but mailed to correct location. Claimed they would never do that because it is against the law.
Calling would hang up over and over again. Now to try and call them they refuse to speak to us and leave us on hold for as long as we will hold.

In paticular one collector kept saying that we never sent money, so started to send money western union, hoping to track the money better. Company lied, called for a repo. When in fact money was sent, message left with confirmation number. When asked about the payment, Lobel will not speak to us since that. Took vehicle, wants us to pay more money for return of vehicle. When they have recieved said monies, but will not respond.
As well asked to have personal things returned, must pay 150.00 to pick up personal effects. But refuse to give us directions to the location.

They have a massage table, wallet, purse, misc. Personal property.

I have clearly stated and asked for statements regarding our account. They will not comply in any way with us. We have never recieved any documents, they stopped sending us bills for payments. As well call and tell my daughter that she needs to send 80.00 or maybe 30.00 whatever they feel, with no data to prove this is owed in any way. I really think they just call to get money, and someone is doing something with it.

It was bad enough that the vehicle was a lemon, had to invest in a new engine, as well as other costly expenses to keep the vehicle running.

In the end, my daughter had gotten into and accident, in which someone broadsided her. So what they have back is a vehicle that is falling apart, will eventually, quit running.

What I would like to see is that they are accountable for their actions, employees, to CEO. I believe they are no better than a bunch of street thugs, going around threatening people, bullies on the street. Pushing people around, no matter.

I feel that they will not contact us for reasons of they are lying, and know that they are in the wrong. I wish I had alot of money because I would search and spend whatever it took to sue the pants off this company.

Company: Lobel Financial
Country: USA
State: California
City: Anaheim
Address: 1150 N MAGNOLIA AVE
Phone: 7149953333
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