Cash Call
CashCall Rep from came to my home tonight! Ripoff Inland Empire California

Business & Finance

This evening while I was away a "Rep" from Cash Call knocked on the door asking for me. Since he didn't have a package my housemate was very hesitant to disclose any information. Finally he left and went to sit in his car. I guess he was going to wait around for me. My housemate found a note from Cash Call on the front door.

What is utterly ridiculous about this is I have called Cash Call and written them REPEATEDLY explaining my situation. I've lost my job and right now my home is about to go into foreclosure. All they care about is getting me to wire them some money (I DO NOT HAVE) thru Moneygram and THEN offering me a deferrement when I called and BEGGED for a deferrement as soon as I was laid off. They were NOT interested in helping me AT ALL and said I should have called them a month prior. I asked them how was I supposed to know a month in advance I would be getting laid off?

Well now it's really personal since they've invaded my personal space with their REP slash body guard looking dude who did NOT intimidate my house mate and certainly not me. Next time he comes the police will have to escort him off of my property.

By the way I sort of expected this to happen based on what some of you wrote and thanks for the heads up. I guess I'll see these bastards in court.

Company: Cash Call
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Cash Call
CASHCALL Rep from came to my house tonight! Inland empire california

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