Global Mortgage
Jared Ekdahl ripped me off and lies to his clients and employees

Business & Finance

Jared Ekdahl is the owner of a franchised Global Mortgage division in Bellevue, Washington. I worked for him for 2 months and left because he was being dishonest about the loans / leads I was bringing him as a Loan Officer. He refused to pay me or update me on my leads if I left him, and then said he would pay me, and the reverts back and forth to not wanting to pay me and then to pay me. He then told me, when I asked to see HUD and his records of closed loans, that if I didn't know what HUD was he would no longer update me and claimed he would send me a check 'if' they closed. He owes me $6,000 in commissions as I was bringing in, on average a week, 25 leads.

When I went into his office to speak with him, he proceeded to cuss me out and got in my face and started poking me and yelling profanities. I then left and he spoke with him very recently and he once again yelled profanities at me. I had asked for a copy of the contract that I signed when I first began working for him and he refused me a copy on two occasions and also claimed he couldn't find it!

Stay away from Jared Ekdahl and Global Mortgage if you don't want to get ripped off.

seattle, Washington

Company: Global Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Bellevue
Address: 2820 Northup Way
Phone: 4252844261
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