ASC Americas Servicing Company
Impound Account Fraud, Refuse to resolve issue fsince 12/05, home will go into foreclosure Ripoff

Business & Finance

Since taking over servicing of my loan 12/05 they have paid taxes on incorrect parcels that do not belong to me they have refused to collect and refund my account the money. I now have an alleged shortage of 3824.61 spread across 12months payment increased 500.00 per month please help me!!! Anyone. This company ignores me hangs up on me and tells me that everything is fine. Because of their horrible management of my impound account mixed with horrible customer service I may loose my home.

Company: ASC Americas Servicing Company
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: P.O. Box 10388
Phone: 8665678440
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