There trying to collect for a cell phone and I have never had and donot want one

Business & Finance

I dale have never had a cell phone in my life and not going to start now. I did not order this cell phone and did not recive this phone for anyone else. I live in colorado why would I would want or use this phone #325-643-9441. If I did why would I not get local. Also me and my wife are both handcap and are alwas together 24/7 so it would not beneft us to pay for a cell phone. I would be very mad if this would get on our credt report. Please contact if we could help out.

Company: Afni
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: PO Box 3427
Phone: 8663081160
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They sent settlement offer I lost my cell phone when I moved from Boston Someone used my cell phone and they request me to pay

False cell phone collection account ripoff

Afni Collections
Attempt to Collect a Verizon Debt ripoff

Afni, Inc
Afni, afni, Inc bad bill

Afni Collections
Cell phone fraud

Afni, Inc
Afni, Afni Collections Bogus collections billing statement Ripoff

Afni Collection
Fraudulent letters!

Afni - Sprint - Nextel
Afni - sprint - nextel afni put a bill on my credit report for 290 from debt that didnt exist ripoff bloomington illinois

AFNI of Bloomington, tried to collect money on accounts I have never had

Afni, Inc
Afni, Inc sent a bill for $551.91 to someone in my care. We have never had an All Tel phone. Bloomington Illinois