America's Servicing Company
Filing false foreclosure

Business & Finance

Attempting for that second-time! To foreclose on my house without supplying any paperwork. These were the 4th customer of the 1994 technician lien. I experienced a 1st & 2nd mortgage @ the full time. Delivered my check in 2004 stating "notice matured". I named to confirm that comprehending that it had been accurate but given that they never replied to efforts to pay for entirely in I understood these were screwy. I did so nothing in 2005 & foreclosure never happened. But, right at Holiday this last endeavor was really troubling!

Company: America's Servicing Company
Country: USA
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SN Servicing Corporation
Eureka, California forced out of my home


Bank of America
Deceptive modification practices

EMC Mortgage
Account closed and paid with EMC, reported as being in foreclosure a year later ripoff

Servicing ripoff

HomEq & Ocwen
Fraud, Illegal Foreclosure, Criminal

HomEq Servicing
Fraudulent foreclosure!

Bank of America
Mortgage Modification/Foreclosure

HomEq Servicing
They want you to foreclose

American Servicing Company
Inappropriate foreclosure!