Wild Ranch Enterprises
Ripoff consumer fraud

Business & Finance

I ordered a duluxe package from them for $419. It was supposed to get me started with a home based business. I was unemployeed. The package never came.

I contacted them and they said they sent it but would send another one. That one never arrived either.
I told them I wanted my credit card charged back for the money they took. They said they did it. It never showed up.

I contacted them again and once again they said they credited my account. It never showed up again.
Then they told me they were having problems with their "terminal" and asked if they could they send me a money order refund. I said yes. Nothing happened.

I contacted them again and they gave me a date that they claim to have sent the money order refund. It never arrived. I contacted them again and they gave me a second date that they claim to have sent the refund.

FINALLY I received a refund - for $25. They still screwed me out of $394.

Bensalem, Pennsylvania

Company: Wild Ranch Enterprises
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Urgbandale
Address: P.O. Box 7808
Phone: 8005283743
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Does not send merchandise. Does NOT refund money!

No package just excuses and empty promises.internet

Townshoes. Ed Molouhudong@foxmail.com
Consumer Report

Nutrisaver on Amazon.com I returned the order, but never received a refund. They claim they never received my package

G.P. Morgan - Titan Financial
J.P. Morgan - Titan Financial False Advertising Ripoff Lying

Apex Enterprises
Rip-off consumer fraud

Buyers Union
Ripoff of refund check

Onlinewall.com Overcharged, Sent wrong product almost 1 month after ordered placed, Refund denied Internet

DVD TVAddicts
No refund for faulty goods!

TvAddicts. tv
No refund for faulty goods!