Wachovia Bank
NSF charged to my account when showing a positive balance

Business & Finance

I had 215.00 in NSF charges on my account when my on-line statement clearly showed I had a positive balance in my account. When I confronted the office manager in Covington Georgia, she printed out a report that was totally differnt then mine. Her explantion was that the $ that I transfered from my other Wachovia account had not yet posted to my account, therefore leaving me with a negative balance.

My explantion: When I left my house on the day in question, I had a balance of about 279.00. I made about 6 small purchases that totaled approximately 150.00. I had a check that had not yet cleared of 210.00, so I transfered 200.00 from another account of mine to this account. This transaction showed immidiately in my available balance. It also was immidiately deducted from my other account.

So, of course, that night the 210.00 check cleared. For some reason, when I checked my balance the next morning (remind you that when I went to bed the night before I had plenty of $ showing as "available funds") there was 180.00 in NSF charges. Every purchase that I had made the day before had been hit with an NSF charge.

So, even if the 200.00 trnasfer did not post until the next day (which I have a printout proving that my account said that I had available funds), whem I made the purchases the day before, I HAD A POSITIVE BALANCE! Also, my online statement says that I was not "overdrawn" until AFTER the 180.00 in NSF charges was taken out.

When I went to the bank and talked to the office manager, she didn't want to hear it. She didn't care. She just stood there with a smirky grin on her face and said that it was my fault and that I should be educated enough about my account to know their policies.

Well, I am educated enough to knw what "availabale funds" means. I'm also educated enough to know that the on-line statement that I have access to is very deceiving and is totally different than the one the office manager showed me.

Besides education, I have enough compassion for people to know that I could not do this to anyone with a smile on my face. ESPECIALLY on December 22... 3 days before Christmas.

I also have enough education to consult an attorney on this matter... And if I find out that Wachovia has the right to take my money, then I think I'll go another route... I don't think its legal to practice deceit. And I do have it in black and white... My deceiving printout that shows I have a positive balance until AFTER the nsf charges were taken from my account.

Company: Wachovia Bank
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Covington
Site: wachovia.com
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