Triad Financial
When will they ever get it right. TRIAD, The Saga Continues ripoff

Business & Finance

I have had one issue after another. I recently spoke to a Triad Representative who informed me that all payments are sent to a Lock Box in Dallas, TX. They also stated that this lock box is not checked daily. I asked them why is it that they continue to call me regarding my payment of which is made timely, because I take things a step further and send it Priority Mail, since they do not except FEDEX delivery? The person then informed me of the above and stated that it takes 10 days to post a payment upon receipt. That would explain why I see the constant delay in payment posting from my bank.

At what point do they learn that we as consumers take every precaution necessary in our efforts to document infair practices.By sending my payment Priority overnite I have a log of all of my payment transactions. Yet inspite of it all Triad continues to contact me and my family and friends regarding my payment.

I am deeply angered by this behavior, they seem to have no concept of time and call at any day and time, even after being informed that my payment was made along with providing tracking and check #'s. I would be happy to participate in any class action suit against this company, as I am to. Deeply unsatisfied with the level of incompetence and lack of professionalism that Triad continues to exhibit.

Company: Triad Financial
Country: USA
State: California
City: Huntington Beach
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