Bay Area Business Council
Promised Credit line for fee Taped commitment and not offer dissed by their so called customer service beware of tactics

Business & Finance

Re: BABC scam -AKA Bay Area "Business" CouncilI was contacted by a man in may who stated that because of my good credit I had qualified for a credit card with a $4000.00 credit Line. All he needed was a $200.00 fee to get it. I saw an opportunity to consolidate. I said yes... BIG MISTAKE! I was then transferred me to a woman. She she made an additional long distance service offer on a free trial basis. I agreed to it... After all a it's a small price to pay for the promised credit Line. She took my info, check account number to cover the June, charges showed up on the phone service (Ephone). I called the phone service. I could not contact a human. However based on the tape message, I discovered that I could not use the phone service wihtout a supplied PIN. I got charged for a service that I had no access to. I called bank to dispute the charge. Something wasn't right. I then called BABC. A woman answered. I asked for the status of my $4000.00 credit card. She I had no $4000.00 credit line. She said that I signed up for a Zero credit card account. She then played a tape. The Tape had everything I agreed to except the inital contact and offer. COMMENT: They should have A law throwing out this kind of evidence unless it's recorded from the inital dial up. I told her the offer was misrepresented and I was LIED TO by the initial contact. She defended the contact "They get paid for making a sale". She added no action would be taken she had three complaints. I ask for a refund. She responded "Why, you already paid for it". I responded "I'm not going to pay $200 for a zero credit line card (WOULD YOU?)"."All sales are final"."Next time listen to the "fine print" Blah... Blah... Blah. Scolded by a nineteen year old drop out. These people are brazen and cocky. They've also beleive they are legit. Why? They are still in business despite an FBI raid. They are also cowards. They hide behind a phone... No names... No faces... LIARS!!! I've contacted the bank to dispute this charge. I've closed my account as a counter measure. These people are decietful predators.— Scammed in ArizonaArnoldRio Rico, Arizona

Company: Bay Area Business Council
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Largo
Address: 801 W Bay Dr. Suite 201
Phone: 7275187750
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Florida Bay Area Bussiness Counsil
Aka "Bay Area Bussiness Counsil or BABC" Rip-Off! Very Deceptive and misleading company that promise a line of credit for hundreds of dollars but does not deliver!

Bay area business council ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

Bay Area Business Council
(babc) is a ripoff. They are misleading, dishonest, & fraudulent criminals

Bay Area Business Council

Bay Area Business Council
Ripoff fraudulent ripoff business

BABC (Bay Area Business Council)
Ripped off and scammed, and out 200 bucks "Close your bank account"

BABC Bay Area Business Council
Ripoff, fraudulant credit card company, misrepresentation of services con artist fake ripoff

Bay Area Business Council
BABC Credit Card Fraud! Dirty SOB's

Bay Area Business Council Florida
BABC Bay Area Business Council CREDIT CARD REFERAL CO., fraudulent ripoff business, consumer rip-off fraud

Ray Reynolds Plan
I bought into the Ray Reynolds Plan for my son who had just started a new business, and YES was scammed