US Bank
Complainted for Account Abuse

Business & Finance

It was only after October of this year that I realized that US Bank had reported me to ChexSystems. If you don't know who they are, beware! They are the entity that can and will ruin your credit, not get you hired for federal, state or local government jobs, or obtain a new checking / savings account at another bank of your choosing.

This is my storyI had spent 18 months, 6 months in training and 12 months fighting in Iraq and had left my financial affairs to a loved one to handle. I returned to a situation that left me having to move from my 217K home and selling practically everything I owned to catch up on bills.

Looking back I suppose I did all the right things to turn my bad situation into a better one, by calling my creditors and mailing hardship letters out to explain my situation. This had to be done, since my interest rates were held at 6% for a year and now they were raised, some by nearly 13% (mostly credit card companies). This cost me my home, belongings and some truly fond neighbors that I held dearly.

I got a loan against my vehicle to cover a business venture. This loan required that I have a checking account at this bank, to which I opened. It also required that I place enough money into the account to cover the loan payment value each month. This was done and had been done for the past 18 months.

After returning home, I had forgotten all about the checking account and was paying the loan directly to the bank, by going in and paying it over the counter as you would make a deposit or withdrawal.

Several months had passed and I was in a financial situation to pay the loan off, to which I did to a sum of $1,900.00 directly to the bank. While in the bank making the payoff amount, I asked if there were any finance charges or if there were any outstanding balances that needed to be paid along with the loan and was told NO, that the checking account was closed and everything is fine.

I did not know that the checking side of the house had reported me 4 months earlier for Account Abuse to ChexSystems, for a negative -$319.00 as a write-off, and they closed the account, until last week when I tried to open an account at a local bank and was refused due to the report on ChexSystems.

After contacting customer service at US Bank by phone and emails, I was bounced around from their collections department to customer service and back and forth, so on and so on. This repeated itself for 8 times.

One manager in the collections department, Tenia Bishop, stated that I was not listening to her, and was very rude when I tried to explain that there should not of been a negative in the account due to the fact that I never used the account, since NOV '04, that the report to ChexSystems was in error and they are the only ones who could have placed charges into that account. They did not even check with the loan side of the house to see if the loan was being paid.

I've since contacted a Co-Manager at the local branch and I am still waiting for a call.

Nothing is safe any more! Your credit score, your identity, not even your future, when people forget who it is that risks their lives for you to have, the big Bank or financial institution that you either partly own or work for! So the next time you make a transaction at your local bank, think about that soldier that fought for your freedoms, the freedom to have a FDIC, a Federal Treasury, a job.

Company: US Bank
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Address: Middletown KY Office12212 Shelbyville Rd
Phone: 5022444446
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