Speedmark Information Services
Cancelled shops on day before

Business & Finance

Beware of this company, They represent mostly Sonic Drive-In for "mystery shopping". They tell you to spend 20 to 30 minutes at the location, only allow you to order certian items, not what you want, pay you a flat fee which barely covers the meal. Before the shop they send you numerous e-mails which each updates the other, plus want you to call in for a 15 to 20 phone call for training.

By the time you have done all of this, you have made absolutely no money, but the kicker is this. On the day before i was to complete my first shop, they cancelled the shop. I am only glad that I had not made the training call where I would have wasted time.

Company: Speedmark Information Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: The Woodlands
Address: 8701 New Trails Drive, Suite 150
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When you mystery shop for Intellishop you expect to get paid. When it's time to pay, they don't!

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