Love, Beal & Nixon

Business & Finance

Everyday for the past 3-4 weeks the following place has been calling me. They do not say what debt collection company they are calling for (?)

My problem is: About 4 years ago I had a severe head injury, and could not think correctly, or work for over a year. During this time the credit cards maxed out and I could not afford to pay them anymore. Now it has been over 3 years since I paid them.

Also, I had another head injury 2 years after the first head injury. So, I am still having a problem figuring out how to handle these problems. Furthermore, I do not have any money saved, I have a part-time job, and I am separated from my spouse pending a divorce. I do not have enough money to hire an attorney for this problem, or a divorce. Also, I do not feel competent to handle a lawsuit myself, since my memory is not good now.

I am not sure what to do about the daily calls I am receiving from this law company. Also, I do not have any idea how to end this problem.

Company: Love, Beal & Nixon
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma City
Address: 6621 N. Meridian Avenue
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