Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC
Called at home and work for the last year the debt is 13 years old

Business & Finance

This company has called me at home and at my work (when I was working) claiming I owe on a old debt that was accumulated during my former marriage. They have harrassed me and my family with their robo calls at all hours of the night and day (Hawaii Time) Unfortunately my ex-husband maxed out my credit card under my maiden name.

During the divorce all I sought for was my good name and credit but at that time of the divorce 2005 no old debts were showing up with credit checks. During our marriage although seperated, my ex-husband had a horrible work related accident and recieved over 2 million in compensation. So I just wanted my credit to be cleared but when credit checks didnt show the old debts he accrued or us, I thought the debt was cleared.

Now for some reason after 3-4 years later of the divorce I'm being hit by that horrible Portfolio company. I tell them to talk to my ex-husband he has all the money and was the one responsible & I'm a single mom now unemployed. They said they cant legally go after him. Why? We were married during the time of the debt and its way past the statue of limitations.

We haven't paid on the debt since 1997. Please let me know what to tell these vultures next time they harrass me and my family.

Company: Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Norfolk
Address: 120 Corporate Boulevard
Phone: 8887727326
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