Wilshire Credit

Business & Finance

This company did not give me a payoff report for a closing on the property that was mortgaged. They had the request on July 11 for a closing on the 25th of July. They jeopardized my selling the property, because the buyer wanted to pull out of the deal. I was also charged additional charges for not closing on the deal by the closing date. The custumer service people in the company are rude and non-commitable. They also lie when questioned about sending pay-off statement. I would not work with these people.

Company: Wilshire Credit
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
Address: P.O. B. 517
Phone: 8883500866
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Tricorp Property Solutions Inc
Consumer Report

I. Burgos
Didn't investigate violations on new property practically forced me to sign at closing and overcharged for the whole process

Wilshire Credit
Ripoff dishonest didn't fax payoff to title company in order to close on property

Select Portfolio Servicing, Aka Fairbanks Capital Corp
Ripoff as to mortgage payoff for residentail closing

Heartland Home Finance
Rip off tried to double closing fees on closing day!

True Vacation Services
Probable timeshare selling scam

Tri Corp Property Solutions
Consumer Report

Greenpoint Mortgage Funding Inc
Ripoff lending company uses closing agent who practices bank fraud, falsified closing docs, gave me a bad title, then sued me representing another client who he claimed was the "rightful" owner of the property

Ameriquest Mortgage
Ripoff dishonest, cheats liars fradulent company

Cendant Corporation: Texas American Title
Committed forgery, fraud, altered original closing documents HUD statements, US Patriot Act Disclosures before filing as public record on home purchase, Ripoff