J. A Cambece
FDCPA terror ripoff dishonest fraudulent A real scumbag firm

Business & Finance

They call and threaten, yell at your kids, threaten to take your house If you have a good story and feel that you have been violated file your own consumer complaints..

Company: J. A Cambece
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Peabody
Address: 8 Bourbon St
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Cambece Law Office
Fraud, liars, threatening, abusive, harrassing, not following FDCPA Ripoff

Cambece Law Office
Company does not do background checks, drug screening, or have sexual harrasment policies to abide by. They also threaten debtors, swear at them and threaten legal action on a hourly basis. Ripoff collection liar lawyers

J A Cambece Law Office
Violated FDCPA regulations, swore at me, called me a liar and pathedic because I couldn't pay as much as they wanted a month

Collect America - CACH LLC - CACV P. Scott Lowery Law! Maybe More!
Collect America - CACH - CACV P. Scott Lowery Law! Maybe More! CACH has Cambece doing its work for them

Cambece Law - cambecelaw.com
Rude, violent, threatening, don't follow fdcpa by any means, unfair organization, ripoff

Cambece Law Firm
Ruthless SOB's Cambece Law Firm Peabody Massachusetts

Learntoboat.net, Jonathan D. Parmet
Scumbag, liar, do not use this company, harasses people, white trash

Threaten them, they send your stuff

Global Payday dba Payday-loan-yes
Global Payday, Payday-loan-yes First National Violates Every FDCPA rules governed by the FTC

Van Ru Credit Corperation
Van Ru Credit Corporation Rude, harassing, nasty people. Many violations of the FDCPA, ripoff