First capital, prime one
First Capital & Prime One are ripoff scams., Canada

Business & Finance

First Capital & Prime One are ripoff scams that use sneaky practices, and give fake #s so you can't reach them to cancel the debit of your checking acount...

First capital called me twice from the same number using two different name. I gave the first my information and in waiting for the manager to call back, when the phone rung a gain i thought it was the manager and repeated the information thus giving them the ability to debit my account twice. But i got them aint no money in it and i put a stop payment on it. They also gave me phont call back numbers.

Chicago, Illinois

Company: First capital, prime one
Country: USA
State: Ontario
Phone: 4164884664
Site: www.first
  <     >  


Prime One Benefits Or Prime One Finacinal
Prime One Fin. Aka Prime One Benefits tried to take 187.00 out of my checking acct. And I had it stopped after looking at this report. Ripoff Toronto New York
Consumer Report

GE Capital Cons Cardco
No Grace Period, Late Payment Fee, Interest Rate is Over Prime Plus

Prime Time Capital
Consumer Report

Lennox Capital
Rip-off credit card company

First Capital Cosumer Group
Ripoff, credit card consumer rip-off fraud

Prime Inc
Prime My dac report from Prime

Prime Capital Funding
Theft of services through false loan advertising

Capital first
Ripoff - Misrepresents its products and uses your information for sub contractors ripoff fraud business

USA Prime Source Capital
Fraudulent Mortgage Broker, Stole Our Money Ripoff