Prime Time Capital
Consumer Report


Prime Time Capital offered to prepare a financial statement in order to secure a business loan on my behalf. $47.50 was charged to do a background investigation andf the $200 was for putting the package together. We went through the motions but then nothing happened. I reported them to BBB, State Attorney General, all to no avail.

Company: Prime Time Capital
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
ZIP: 92604
Address: 14252 Culver Drive, Suite A410
Phone: 8772443071
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Prime Time Capital
Consumer Report

Prime One Financial Prime One Benefitscr Bancorp Prime One Financial Prime One SAME SCAM AS PRIME ONE $149.00 PROCESSING FEE FOR $2,500 CREDIT LIMIT BEWARE

Prime Time Capital

Prime One Benefits - Aka Prime One Medical Aka Prime One Financial Aka First National Bank Of Marin
Prime One Benefits Aka Prime One Medical Aka Prime One Financial Aka First National Credit Services sure they took out & $187.00 from my account to secure it. But than they Tried to Withdraw $1000.00 from my bank account 3X ripoff business from hell

Prime One Benefits/Prime One Financial
Prime One Benefits Prime One Financial ripoff lame, just plain wrong all over the place! New York

Prime One Financial - A.k.a. Prime One Benefits
Prime One Financial A.K.A. Prime One Benefits dirty ripoff liars

First capital, prime one
First Capital & Prime One are ripoff scams., Canada

Prime TV
Prime rebate ripoff scam

Prime One Benefits Or Prime One Finacinal
Prime One Fin. Aka Prime One Benefits tried to take 187.00 out of my checking acct. And I had it stopped after looking at this report. Ripoff Toronto New York

Prime Inc. (Trucking Company)
Prime Trucking Beware of Prime Inc's hiring practices