PC One Club
Ripoff dishonest false advertisement fraudulent billing

Business & Finance

I filed for Bankruptcy about four years ago. Trying to get back on good standings on my credit because someone had stole my Identity.

On July 21 PC One called a guy name Tony ID#415 told me that I would start fresh in making my credit good; that they would help me and others that filed for bankruptcy. They sound all good and I did what they asked me to do. Do a withdrawal of my account check by phone in the amount of $349.00. Will withdraw in a couple of days. He said the I would receive a master card via Fed Ex after confirmation of withdrawl of my account of $349.00. Finally on August 11 the funds were witdrawn. I faxed over the eletronic check from my bank to them and Tony called me back and said I should be receiving the card with in 3 to 21 days.

21 days past never received anything; Middle of Sept. 5 called them back through CCR told them I never received the card and told the lady to cancel the order and I wanted a refund, so she canceled the order and said that I would be receiving the refund withen 21 days.

21 days past again, kept calling and getting the run around through CCR Customer Care Relations. Told me the holidays are here and would expect the refund on January 4. Called on January 11 and every week after that, CCR kept saying that the sent them PC one a refund notice and it is top priority, January 31 Talked to Louise ID# 401 told me that PC One had check ready but haven't sent it out.

From January 31 on to April 2 CCR kept telling me they do not have any updates on my account and refund.

April 10 CCR read a letter stating its from PC One that they regret they could not help me on my refund and CCR is no longer handling PC One's account for customer services.

Anyone out there that would help me in getting my refunds back and nail these cons. All I want is to get my Money back!!!

Phoenix, Arizona

Company: PC One Club
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: 1320 State Route 9
Phone: 8662828618
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