America's Servicing Company - ASA
Ripoff this company just wants your house and will do whatever they can to get it!

Business & Finance

This company (ASA) has proven the be the worst of any nightmare anyone can have. I'm no angel and admittedly have been a couple of weeks past my mortgage due date in the March of this year I went on line to make my mortgage payment and could not access my account with Centex mortgage. After a few tries, I figured that maybe I had forgotten my password and was locked out. Since the customer service department for Centex was already closed, I couldn't get hold of them at that time. The next day after work, I tried again to no avail. I called Centex only to be told that my mortgage had been sold to another company. Ok. No problem or so I thought. Centex gave me the phone number and I reached them (ASA) the next day. They didn't have my information but told me where I could send my payment, however, my new account number was not yet in thier system. This new mortgage company turned out to be ASA or america's servicing company. The rep asked me if I had recieved a letter from Centex informing me of the change (no I hadn't and would not have known had I not called them) and also said that I should be getting a welcome letter from them. (the letter didn't arrive until almost two weeks later).

Anyway, I called them back a few days later, and they had an account number for me. They asked me how much was I paying and when I told them that it was March's payment, they wanted to know when April's would be in (it was now towards the end of March). I told them that it would be a week or so late. The rep told me that I needed to send the entire amount in as they do not have any grace periods. It surprised me that she would not take my March payment. Then when I called again to make a payment, the combined payment was way more than I could possibly do because they had added a ridiculous late payment amount. I told them that I couldn't do that and why couldn't they take the money that I was sending? With them it was all or nothing. So then the rep starting talking about payment arrangements, well that sounded ok, but I told her that I couldn't discuss that at the moment since I was at work and didn't want everyone to hear my information. Later I called, and while driving, gave the rep my best guestimate on bills so that we could work out this payment arrangement only to be told that they could not do it.infuriated, I said so what am I supposed to do now? You guys won't take a partial payment and you won't work with me. Her reply was that I could foreclose! I told her that wasn't an option so she said that she would have the loss mitigation department send me some paperwork and then go from there.

The next day, my husband called me at work to tell me that some guy came by demanding our mortgage payment. Shocked and angry, I called ASA and asked them what was going on with this person showing up at my door. I told them that I didn't appreciate them sending someone to collect. The rep put me on hold and them came back telling me that the man was there to do an appraisal. I said "well, if he was there to do an appraisal, I should have been informed just the same". The rep said that I didn't need to be informed as he was doing a drive by appraisal and also to make sure someone lived there. Almost a week later, I finally get this letter from loss mitigation, giving me the option to pay in full or provide a break down of my bills in order to send it to them for a payment plan consideration. I faxed the info to them and then called them to make sure that they recieved it only to be told by the rep that she could do that over the phone since I now had the information written down. She also informed me that in order for them to do it I would have to give them some money. I agreed to send in 5,000 dollars but could not do it for about 2 days. When I called in two days later, I could not get through because of the time difference and ended up calling the payment in the next day.

When I did, the rep tells me that it was supposed to be in the day before and there was no grace period. I told them how ridiculous they were and that if I treated my customers the way that they treated me, my company would be out of business. His response was that they could reject my payment. I asked him what happens if they reject it and he said that they would send it back. (they did accept the payment, but I had to wait a few days just to make sure. The new temporary "forebearance" agreement has me paying over 3100 dollars a month back to them of which the 1st of these payments is now due. Like mamy people, I am cash poor but house rich. They have ruined my credit, which wasn't great but wasn't really bad. They have caused me to be physically ill and depressed.

Thankfully, after calling my son and talking to him, I will be able to give them both the current and past due amount - which at this point is only a month. As soon as it's possible, I will do everything that I can to move my mortgage from under them. This company which is supposedly linked with Wells Fargo is by far the worst company that I have ever dealt with. I cannot imagine that Wells Fargo would even be that horrible. And if anyone decides to file a class action suit against them -count me in.

Las vegas, Nevada

Company: America's Servicing Company - ASA
Country: USA
State: Maryland
Address: 7495 NEW HORIZON WAY
Phone: 8668371666
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