American Express
T-Mobile lousy customer service Fort Lauderdale

Business & Finance

T-Mobile HotSpot charged my American Express card repeatedly without authorization. American Express doesn't even have anything near an acceptible level of good customer service. They were told of the unauthorized charges. The unauthorized charges continued and AMEX continued to pay T-Mobile.

I cancelled my account with AMEX and paid the final balance minus the unauthorized T-Mobile HotSpot charges. I told AMEX these were in dispute. They sent me letters "claiming" that the charges were temporarily credited back, yet they not only continued to send me statements with the entire balance, but they even had the nerve to add service charges every month so the balance would increase.

T-Mobile never got back to them (as per AMEX), and yet I never saw a statement where the charges were removed. All I ever got were letters claiming they charges would be "temporarily credited" pending investigation.
On April 19th an American Express representative told me point blank that all of the unauthorized T-Mobile HotSpot charges (8 months at $39.99) would be removed as well as their "finance charges" on this erroneous balance.

Then, incredibly, five days later, AMEX referred the account to GC Services for collection. What kind of MORONIC incompetent customer service is this? This is OUTRAGEOUS coming from such a supposedly respected name as American Express!

What credit card company charges service or finance charges on a disputed balance? What respectible credit card company has a representative tell you the charges (which were UNAUTHORIZED) would be removed and then send it to a collection agency 5 days later? Should we Amricans have to endure such abuse??

Company: American Express
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft. Lauderdale
Address: Box 297812
Phone: 8005284800
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