Aurora Loan Services
They applied an insurance check to a house payment without my husband's signature & authorization

Business & Finance

We had received the last check for repairs on the house after the storms hit. The check came in my husband's name & of course the morgage companies name. They took the check & applied it to a house payment without our authorization or endorsement.

The check was for repairs. The house payment was paid by us and was not told of this transaction from them & thay didn't even have the decency to send us the remaining amount.

The insurance check was appoximatly $253 more than the house note. The house note according to the recording over the phone about the account is paid up till May.

They say they are within their rights to do so because the notes were delinquent, which is a lie. They are just plain greedy & do poor Business & has given us nothing but trouble since the storms hit us.

We were very Blessed tho & had minimum damge to our homes. Then they demanded we get flood insurance on top of trying to get the damages we did have, taken care of.

We were having trouble with receiving our mail (because of the storms) and did not get their letter on this matter until it was too late.
We hadn't received any money from insurance company yet & hadn't worked for a while (because of the storms) the money situation was tough.
We tried very hard to get an insurance company to give us flood insurance, (so we wouldn't get stuck paying the high insurance they were going to tack on to our notes (which happened any way.

They would not extend the time for us to get this insurance on our own. We had to get a surveyor (which was chore in itself) to give us a flood elevation certificate. Even tho we got the letter late & it wasn't even hurricane season they would not budge on some extra time.
So wher does the law stand on this & where is the justice here?

Company: Aurora Loan Services
Country: USA
State: California
City: Van Nuys
Address: P.o. Box10422
Phone: 8005500508
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