Triad Financial Corporation
Harrasment, dishonesty and violation of fair debt collection practices act. Ripoff

Business & Finance

I, like many other individuals, am fed up with the harrasing and unethical activity of Triad Financial Corporation. I readily admit that they would not have need to contact me if I hadn't been behind on a payment, but that does not excuse the threatening and unprofessional treatment that I have received.

First, if they have not processed the payment ON the due date, I start receiving calls. Home, work, and even mobile telephones, I was out of town one day and recieved a total of 18, yes 18 telephone calls from them. I am struggling to run a small business and the last thing I need is to walk into my office and have my secretary tell me that a collection agency has called six times.

So last November I informed them not to contact me at my place of work or on my mobile telephone. The calls stopped for a couple of days, but then I started receiving them again. I decided to take a proactive step, went into my personal information and deleted my work and mobile numbers from my profile. That was successful, but then a couple months later I was late again and I actually got a call at work, I asked how she got the number and she said it was NONE OF MY BUSINESS.

On a later call I mentioned this to another representative and she sayed that was impossible because they only use auto dialers. So now, in addition to calling me at work I have been called a liar.

In an attempt to make things work on my pay schedule, I requested that the loan be changed to the end of the month. I was told that if I would make the payment at that time, my due date would change. I made the payment, but the due date did not change. The following month, after the original due date (but before the date it was supposed to be changed to) I received another rude, even abusive call. I explained to her about the due date, she said the problem was that it could not be set up on the last day of the month for some reason or another, but if I would pay that day, she would set it up for the 1st of the month.

I agreed, made the payment and waited... My due date never changed, so I decided I would not make payment until my due date changed. I got a call today (April 3rd) saying that I was 16 days late. I responded saying, "no, I am two days late and I will gladly make the payment as soon as my due date is changed on the website to the 1st". She said she couldn't change it unless I paid today (where have I heard that before?).

I told her I had already made that agreement and miraculously, that was never documented. It seems to me that they document exactly what they want to document and leave out what they don't want documented. I told her I didn't care if it wasn't documented, that's what happened and I would pay when my due date was changed, as promised by one of their reps. She then asked, "So are you agreeing to have your care voluntarily repossesed? I have never lost my temper over the telephone with any other company, but I have to admit, I lost it then.

I am so tired of being interupted in mid sentance, being threatend and lied to and harrassed. I don't know if they have actually violated any laws with me, but I have never dealt with a company so vile and unprofessional. If their behavior is not illegal, it should be.

Company: Triad Financial Corporation
Country: USA
State: California
City: Huntington Beach
Address: PO Box 3299
Phone: 8008799756
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