Teleten Marketing
Entered into contract, failed to deliver on their part. No way to contact them

Business & Finance

My company, like many of the others already on this site, was taken by these guys. They are very pleasant on the phone, but do NOTHING for you. I've heard every excuse, fire in the building, bad databases, power failure.
I'm willing to take action against them to protect the others here, but from the looks of things, enough of you are mad enough to have taken some action already.
If you can share anything about your progress, or which gov't agency was most helpful, it would give me a good direcion to start toward.

This is NOT about recovering a little money from them, I want to stop them from continuing to do this... Despite receiving over 50 complaints against them. When is enough enough??

Company: Teleten Marketing
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 3550 W. 6th, Suite 303
Phone: 8005797152
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Teleten Marketing
Brian Brown - Jay Anthony (outside Consultant) Breach of Contract, failed to provide the leads the contract requires, failed to return money as promised ripoff

Teleten Marketing - Tele-ten Marketing - Tele10 Marketing
Ripoff! Breach of contract, nonreturn of funds, non fufillment of duties

Teleten Marketing
Fraud, Breach of Contract, Fraudulent Contract, RIP-OFF!

Teleten Marketing
AKA Precise Marketing RIPOFF, Fraud, Breach of Contract, Teleten Strikes Again!

Teleten Or Tele Ten Marketing - Owner David Buddan, Many Alias'
Teleten Marketing & David Buddan A.K. A Brian Brown, A.K.A. David Alexander And John Doe 1 Thru 9 I too was burnt by this snake oil fake leads co. Back in 2005

Teleten Marketing
Robert Lee - Gary Garrett Stole 3600 USD from honest, hard working guys running a reputible mortgage office. Liars, cheaters and stealers. Yes straight up THIEVERY! Ripoff

Salt river solar
Salt river energy, A P solar, salt river solar & wind breech of contract, failure to communicate, delays, delays, delays, 3rd party threats of lawsuits

TeleTen Marketing
Ripoff beware

Teleten Marketing
Breach of Contract, No Response, Poor Quality

Teleten Marketing
Ripoff FTC Complaints Get a Lawsuit going or get them out of business