Teleten Marketing
Fraud, Breach of Contract, Fraudulent Contract, RIP-OFF!


I purchased 45 leads for $1575.00 with the promise of receiving 2 or 3 leads daily. It never happened. I only received 2 leads for entire month of April. Only after numerous calls to Tracy (ext. 278) was I directed to Louisa (ext. 234). All these people have done was put me in touch with Brian Brown (ext. 264).

Absolutely no one there has sent me my refund. I am encouraging everyone to contact me so we can file a Formal Class Action. I am also pursuing the services of the FTC, FCC and FBI. Together we can make it possible to put a severe stop to ALL dealings with Teleten Marketing.

I am also letting you know that Curtis Bradshaw, Brian Brown, Al Stephensen, Tracy, Louisa are the people that I have been exposed to within that company.

These people and this company are only proficient at stealing your money. Do NOT allow them to get away with this villiany!!!

Company: Teleten Marketing
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 3250 WILSHIRE BLVD. SUITE 1600
Phone: 2133800458
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Teleten Marketing
Promises mortgage leads takes your money does not fulfill

Teleten Marketing
Brian Brown - Jay Anthony (outside Consultant) Breach of Contract, failed to provide the leads the contract requires, failed to return money as promised ripoff

Teleten Marketing - Tele-ten Marketing - Tele10 Marketing
Ripoff! Breach of contract, nonreturn of funds, non fufillment of duties

Teleten Marketing
And Brian Brown, Robert Lee ripoff

Teleten Marketing
Ripoff mortgage lead scam dishonest lie swindle

Teleten Marketing
Breach of Contract, No Response, Poor Quality

Teleten Marketing
AKA Precise Marketing RIPOFF, Fraud, Breach of Contract, Teleten Strikes Again!

TeleTen Marketing
Not even close to what they promise

Teleten Marketing
Brian brown beware they are ripoff artist with no conscience los angeles

Teleten Marketing
Brian Brown, Michael West I Disputed Lead After Lead, Sent My Legal Dept. All Info. I Sent teleten/brian brown & michael west - These people Will Generate NOTHING for you!