CCS Or First National Card
Ripoff Las Vegas

Business & Finance

Stay away from ccs! They will promise a high credit card amount and great deals, but they suck! You may have bad credit, this will not help! Trust me. They suckered me in, I tried to get out about 7 days later.

I called and cancelled my account, or so I thought! Today, however, I went to my bank account and to my surprise was three different transactions from them! Leaving me with a lot of bounced checks! YUK!!!
I cried and called them! They refused to give me the money back, and they said I never called and cancelled! They are liars!

Never accept a card from them! If your credit needs to be repaired, do it the old fashion way, because they will only make it worse! SO I sit here now pondering on what to do with oodles of bounced checks and they say one more on the way! I am hoping there is someway I can get the money back! Nice webpage, I just wish I have found it sooner!!

Company: CCS Or First National Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: LAs Vegas
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