Credit Plus Rewards
Ripoff, Makes Promises For Credit, Beware

Business & Finance

I contacted this company as an ad response. I was desperate for cash and they promised me a credit card with 7500. They told me there would be a fee, at 1st I was taken aback but they promised and recorded the promise that they would not deduct my checking account till the sixth. They deducted it the very night we spoke on March 2, and I had no funds to cover the debit and incurred a 30 dollar over draft. I called the next day and lost all my prepaid minutes from Virgin Mobile calling their 800 number. They never answer it. Never. So I tried calling the number they once called to verify my check account. That box was always labeled full. Finally I got them on March 4 and they said we will call you back in 10 minutes and make it right with you. They never called back. I just went through a bankrupcy and had been watching my bank account carefully. I can't afford to have a negative balance; it throws me off for all my bills: I live on 800 dollars a month. They promised me I would get a small cash loan of 500 dollars whereby they would strech out in monthly payments. They told me that would happen 48 hours from my application and I thought: Great. This would cover the 129.00 fee. Wrong. The lady who spoke to me said her name was Rita and gave me their 800 number and her extention... Like she really cared. Never do you get a ringing... Just a recording at that extenstion; They never called back for that. I don't mind a processing fee, if they do what they say they are going to do. But I think it's awful..

Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Company: Credit Plus Rewards
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: Credit Plus Rewards 505 E. Windmill Lane #1B
Phone: 8009755642
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Check City Loan Service
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Creditplus Rewards

Florida Bay Area Bussiness Counsil
Aka "Bay Area Bussiness Counsil or BABC" Rip-Off! Very Deceptive and misleading company that promise a line of credit for hundreds of dollars but does not deliver!

Credit Plus Rewards

Fast Cash USA
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Credit Plus Rewards
Is an uncontactable rip-off company

Credit Plus Rewards

Virgin Mobile
Ripoff dishonest billing practices

Credit Plus Rewards
Ripoff dishonest fradulent compamy took my money out of my bank account cause me 2 $35.00 nsf bank feees. Now i have a bad account with the bank and t-mobile