Ocwen Loan Servicing
Ipoff, fraudulent, deciptive, uncaring, scamers swindling honest people from their homes

Business & Finance

I recieved a mortgage thru Delta funding about who in turn gave it over to Ocwen federal bank fsb for sevicing. I made all my payments on time never missing one for about 4 yrs all of the sudden I got a notice from Ocwen that they were going to escrow for my taxes and insurance. This was all done right after they had sent me the papers to sign again because someone had lost them and they were never filed in my county, if I didnt do this they were going to call my note due. Then they uped my pymt 200 dollars more a month this made it difficult but then almost 2yrs later I get a forclosure from the county for unpaid taxes so I called them they assured me that the taxes were takin care of.in Dec. Of 2005 I got a phone call from my county tax dep. At work telling me I had to pay the taxes or the county would take ownership by Jan. 1 2006. I went down with my wife and kids pd 25% and signed agreement to pay the balance and got the new bill a week later for this yrs taxes. I call Ocwen and told them they had to have the wrong tax no. They argued with me and said no they didnt and I still had to pay the escrow. I told them Id pay all the principle and interest and late fees which I had and they refused because it wasnt enough to cover the arears due. We sent them a ck. For 800 and they sent it back, it wasnt enough. I called again to make different arrangements and when we were done they said my income wouldnt help in their program. I would have about 11 months before they would actually forclose. I had tried to refinance and they had reported in April that they had forclosed and tacted on another over 3000 dollars to my bill for legal expense. Now they know I trying to refinance and they've done it again and sent me the papers to boot. So now I can't get any banks to talk to me as they show 2 forclosures on my report in the same yr.in April we had to send in over 4000 dollars and they said they would put the legal fees at the back of the loan but they never did so it was reported as late pymts since. Now I told them I had the money owed for Principal and interest and late fees and they won't except it as they want the legal fees up front and they are adding more legal fees to that. They are just putting me further behind the eight ball with no light in sight. I'm not going down with out a fight I hope you won't either. They think they got us over a barrel I hope we can show them they don't. Now in the forclosure papers they state that any money they collect is just going to be for arrears and there seems to be no way out for us. They've ruined my credit and life and stressed me to my limits. I have 4 kids and this is their home as well as mine and my wifes. I'll do what ever I have to to tie this up on them for as long as it takes. I can't believe our government lets them keep going with these practices it's just unbelievable.

Company: Ocwen Loan Servicing
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Drive
Phone: 8007462936
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Ocwen Federal Bank, FSB
Ripoff Unfair Escrow tack on

Ocwen Loan Servicing
Ocwen Federal Bank Mis represented my motgage after I Singned the ontract

Ocwen Loan Sevicing
LLC - Ocwen Federal Bank Where did my money go? False late payments reported to our credit report, Impossible to get a straight answer, Liars! Liars! Liars!

Ocwen Federal Bank FSB
I thought we were doing something wrong

Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC
Set up an escrow account for county taxes deferred by disabled tax deferral affidavit

Ocwen Federal Bank - Ocwen Loan Servicing
Ocwen Bank I had medical complications giving birth to twins. When I contacte Ocwen to ask to pay interest only, they told me they would modify my loan. Before I knew it, I was in forclosure

Ocwen Loan Servicing, New Century Mortgage, Deutche Bank
Entered on time cash payments late, racking up late fees and lawyer fees, refused payments causing even more late fees, then filed foreclosure papers with the court system in my county and TRIED TO TAKE MY HOME!

Litton Loan Servicing LP
Larry Litton and Larry Litton Jr. Took Bankruptcy which was discharged 06/20. Litton supposedly went out of business & transferred loan to Ocwen. Transferred late fees $742 and legal fees $884 to Ocwen which were included & paid

Did not pay my taxes with my escrow money

Ocwen Loan Servicing
Made property tax payments and then set up escrow, misapplied my loan payments and then reported me late and started charging late fees