Drive Financial

Business & Finance

Funny, when you experience financial difficulties and need or would like to get "ahead of the game" sometimes you have to play hard. So, we pay to play right? So then, learn to play with the big boys. Sometimes I feel that I am somewhat victimized (when late or the phone calls NEVER cease). Then I read everyone else's issues with Drive. Then I realize, UH_OH, we actually deal with TWO horrid and scandalous companies =DRIVE and WFS Financial. Who's sorry now?

But, and this is a big BUT, I remember how to play the game. * My "home" phone has no voice mail (no way to confirm its me)* My "work" phone is actually connected to my home phone (no way to contact my co-workers or employer)* My mailed statements come on time, with balances, fees, etc. So I am prepared to pay the amount (when we can sometimes)* I have options to make payments... I.E., autopay from my bank - western union - moneygram - phone with my ATM or credit card. So I CONTROL what info they receive about me.

AND Finally! I have a garage! No repo's. But I pay what we can during hard times and they do back off.
The few times I did speak with Drive, they were CLUELESS. My address was wrong, my phone was someone else's... But after a little "girltalk" the customer service rep was eating out of my hand...

So, LADIES be nice. You get what you want. GUYs, be charming. Apologize, tell them your running late to get dinner on, tell them that it's been so chaotic with all the moving... Whatever it takes to tame the beast in them.

Got it? (I'll probably change my entire outlook on this company very soon - but it isn't my first time around the block with second chance financing. Lol)

Company: Drive Financial
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: PO Box 5737
Phone: 8882224227
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