Homecomings Financial
Ripoff I am current with my mortgage and their website says my home is in foreclosure

Business & Finance

We have had a mortgage with Homecomings Financial since they bought our mortgage in May. We made our payment every month within the first thirty days.in August, we received a notice IN THE MAIL that our home was "in foreclosure" because we had not maintained the property insurance coverage. When we closed on the home, it clearly stated that taxes and insurance would be escrowed but apparently something changed somewhere and we were not given credit for the tax payments or the insurance. Also, we were not served a notice from the sheriff to inform us that they had filed for a foreclosure and as we live in Indiana, legally, you must be served by the sheriff. We called Homecomings and asked what was going on and they said that we did not have proper insurance coverage so we bought a policy that was more expensive and faxed all information to them. We then received a notice that we were behind in our taxes! At our closing, all documents stated that we had an escrow account to take care of both taxes and insurance so where was this money going? We spoke with Homecomings and they informed us that if we paid a month ahead, plus 1500 in legally fees, that our home would be taken out of foreclosure. We paid all that they asked of us, (wired Western Union-we have our receipts) and then today, when we logged into the site, it said that our home was currently in foreclosure even though all we owe is the January 1 payment. We were never served foreclosure papers and are not behind in our payments. We need to put a stop to illegal foreclosures and predatory lenders that take advantage of a system that allows this type of abominable activity. I have the dedication, intelligence and drive to fight these criminals not only on my behalf but on behalf of all those I read about on this website. Any help in this matter would be truly appreciated.

Sunman, Indiana

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Company: Homecomings Financial
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 2711 North Haskell Ave
Phone: 8002062901
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